Under this section you will find the deliverables of the work carried out during the project’s length. Please, feel free to download them and do not hesitate in contacting any of us if you what to discuss something!
- Report of needs, desires and motivations of job seekers. Click here.
- Mentoring Actors in Europe Mapping. Click here.
- APTE Booklet. Click here.
- Impact Evaluation. Click here.
- APTE Guidebook. Click here.
- Local Dissemination Events. Click here.
Report of needs, desires and motivations of job seekers
The aim of this report is to raise awareness among the general public and public and private institutions about the situation of these job seekers. We identified the elements on which we can act and encourage other actors and/or consortia to do so.

Mentoring Actors in Europe Mapping
Here, you’ll find a map showcasing various European organizations actively engaged in mentoring initiatives. Click here to explore the map and access additional information about these organizations by clicking the button below.
APTE Booklet
Unlock the full potential of our innovative methodology designed to support job seekers with our comprehensive “Booklet.” This resource contains a wealth of tools, templates, and guidance curated by our consortium to seamlessly implement our pathways for individuals seeking employment.

Impact Evaluation
Dive into the insightful findings of our “Impact Evaluation” document, showcasing the outcomes achieved through 12 pathways conducted over the past two years as part of the APTE project. Explore the tangible impact and transformative changes experienced by participants as we delve into the heart of our journey toward socio-professional integration.
APTE Guidebook
Discover the comprehensive roadmap outlined in our “Guidebook,” designed to illuminate the process behind our pathways. Whether you’re an organization seeking to implement all facets of our journeys or simply integrate select elements into existing programs to support job seekers, this resource provides invaluable insights and practical strategies for effective implementation. Explore how to navigate the intricate path toward empowering individuals in their quest for employment opportunities.
Final Local Events