A Pathway to Employment

Identification Number
2021-1-FR01-KA220-ADU – 000029505
Project Details
A pathway to employment: discovering and learning about the social and sustainable economy for employability.
Running Dates
March 2022-February 2024
Erasmus KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education
A Pro Bono Programme consists in the realisation of a professional consultancy in a key area of the organisation of one NGO (marketing, HR, strategy, IT, etc.) run by a team of volunteers, free of costs.
We want to enable young people with few or no qualifications as well as adults over 45 who are looking for jobs to integrate socially and professionally thanks to an innovative programme. The mixing of these two groups allows for the creation of intergenerational links through mutual mentoring, but also, since they are looking for work, to help them discover a sector and professions of the future.
This pathway will focus on discovering and learning about the social and sustainable economy, through theory in workshops, and through practice by getting involved with NGOs. Through mentoring, pro bono missions and learning modules, we want to open up the field of possibilities, make them aware of their skills and facilitate their access to employment in sectors of the future.
Through this project, we want young and low-skilled jobseekers and those over 45 years old to:
- Acquire knowledge about the social and sustainable economy
- Identify and become aware of their skills
- Identify the professions of the social and sustainable economy and that this will awaken vocations in some
- Feel useful and capable thanks to the collective and individual pro bono missions (skills-based volunteering)
- Mention/value this volunteering experience in their CV, during an interview, on Linkedin for example
- Be (more) open to exchanges with people of other generations
- Find a job in the months following the course or enrol in a training course to reorient themselves or develop other skills
Intellectual Outputs
To achieve our objectives, we will:
The results will make it possible to raise the awareness of the general public as well as public and private institutions about the situation of these two profiles of job seekers. We want to make a statement, identify the elements on which we can act and encourage other actors and/or consortium to do so.
This pathway will be set up and tested in 4 countries to anticipate different situations and environments. It will include:
– Intergenerational reciprocal mentoring with the creation of duos of low-skilled jobseekers and over 45s
– Awareness-raising workshops on the social and sustainable economy (especially on the ecological and digital transition)
– Awareness and skills identification workshops
To this end, we will produce:
– A practical online guide with details of the step-by-step process and recommendations by type of actor
– A booklet listing innovative projects in the social and sustainable economy and the jobs they offer
– A mapping of mentoring actors in Europe to complement the existing mapping of pro bono actors and thus allow the
identification of the organisations needed to create partnerships and duplicate this project.